
Find our newspaper columns, blogs, and other commentary pieces in this section. Our research focuses on Advanced Biology, High-Tech Geopolitics, Strategic Studies, Indo-Pacific Studies & Economic Policy

Strategic Studies Shrikrishna Upadhyaya Strategic Studies Shrikrishna Upadhyaya

Time of India | Pannun case: Time to reimagine spy agency for Information Age

By Pranay Kotasthane & Shibani Mehta

A US district court indictment accusing an Indian official of ordering an assassination on American soil continues to remain in the news cycle. The Union government has constituted a high-level inquiry committee to look into the inputs shared by the US. There have been plenty of articles on its impact on India-US ties, and the usual partisan sniping as well. But there’s one underrated angle to this discussion: this fiasco opens the Overton window (a window of possibility) for India to reform its external intelligence agency. Read the full article here.

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Economic Policy Wini Gurung Economic Policy Wini Gurung

The Free Press Journal | 2024 Polls: AI Fake News Will Damage Democracy Forever

By Sachin Kalbag

I am calling it now. In 2024, when several countries around the world — including India and the US — are scheduled to go to the polls, disinformation and fake news generated by artificial intelligence software will bring democratic systems to their knees. The damage is going to be so severe that, in the worst-case scenario, we will have reached a point of no return. Even if we somehow manage to halt the fake news juggernaut (unlikely, but let’s say we do), it will take decades to go back to any kind of normalcy. Read the full article here.

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High-Tech Geopolitics, Advanced Biology Prateek Waghre High-Tech Geopolitics, Advanced Biology Prateek Waghre

As Chorus of 'Chinese Virus' Rings Loudly in India, Is the Stage Set For an Info-Ops Tussle?

This article was originally published on The WireUsers of Indian Twitter, for want of a better term, will not have been able to escape the term ‘Chinese virus’ trending on the platform in the form of different hashtags over the last 10 days.What seemingly started off as agitprop by the American right has transcended boundaries and resonated in India as well, echoing sentiment that Beijing and the Chinese should be severely penalised for the COVID-19 pandemic.This sentiment was backed by what appeared to be some coordinated activity on Twitter from March 24 onward, around the time of India’s lockdown, all with the purpose of taking aim at China.#ChineseVirus19, #ChineseBioterrorisn, #Chinaliedpeopledied and #ChineseVirusCorona were some of the hashtags being used in favour of this narrative around March 24 and March 25.Read more

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Nitin Pai Nitin Pai

No need to panic. ‘Westlessness’ just means world without West’s dominance, not its ideas

If Westlessness is to mean the shifting of the global balance of power away from the victors of a world war fought 75 years ago, then yes, it is both objectively true and, from India’s perspective, quite desirable. The composition of the United Nations Security Council is not only outdated but is the single biggest reason today why the UN is increasingly at the margin on managing international security. To the extent that the change in the global balance is acknowledged and the contemporary balance reflected in the UN, this interpretation of ‘Westlessness’ is useful.Read more

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