
Find our newspaper columns, blogs, and other commentary pieces in this section. Our research focuses on Advanced Biology, High-Tech Geopolitics, Strategic Studies, Indo-Pacific Studies & Economic Policy

High-Tech Geopolitics Shrikrishna Upadhyaya High-Tech Geopolitics Shrikrishna Upadhyaya

Nikkei Asia | India-U.S.-South Korea tech cooperation has strategic logic

By Saurabh Todi

In their own way, the U.S., South Korea and India each have come to realize their potential vulnerability to supply chain cutoffs and trade coercion. Now the trio have begun working together on a joint initiative, the Trilateral Technology Dialogue (TTD), that aims to make technology supply chains more resilient, bring technology solutions to the broader Indo-Pacific region and spur innovation and economic growth. Read the full article here.

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High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User

India needs a Holistic and Effective ‘Techplomacy’ Strategy

By Arjun Gargeyas

Technological advancements in the 21st Century have heightened the role of technology in the diplomacy arena. Technically adept nation-states are developing their own strategies to integrate technology with their foreign policy and diplomatic initiatives. But how can technology be used as a credible diplomatic plank by the Indian State to further its national and geopolitical interests? The Indian state needs to address the ability to utilise technology as a credible foreign policy and diplomacy tool.

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High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User

How India Can Use Technology as a Strategic Tool to Advance Its Interests

By Arjun Gargeyas

In the current Information Age, technology has become a ubiquitous part of every country’s society. Citizens are empowered in a wide range of ways with improved access to technology, states’ economic sectors are transitioning into the digital space, and tech development has been outpacing regulations and governance regularly. This is the era where technology is becoming a strategic tool for the state to drive growth and protect its interests. India, as a fledgling and rising technological power, has the ability to leverage technology for the greater good. The Indian state should now start viewing technology and its adoption from a more strategic lens. But how can India use ‘technology’ to tackle existing problems as well as try to deploy it as a prospective solution in key areas of governance?

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High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User

How India Can Use Its G-20 Presidency To Build A Techno-Democratic Alliance

By Arjun Gargeyas

In the year 2023, India will have the opportunity to preside over one of the key international alliances, i.e. G-20. The G-20 remains an elite group of economically and technologically developed nations which control the global economy in the current scenario. India’s presidency next year offers an opportunity for the government to set critical agendas for the group. One of the key areas that India can focus on as part of its presidency can be technology and bringing like-minded states together on the technological front. Considering the primacy of technology in both the economic and foreign policy realm, it is in India’s interest to push for an alliance between techno-democracies to regulate and govern the use of critical technologies in the future.

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High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User High-Tech Geopolitics Guest User

What we Should Learn from China's Use of Technology as a Tool of Foreign Policy

By Arjun Gargeyas

Immense state support, coupled with the rise of domestic technology giants, has made China a major power competing to secure technological space with other powers like the US and Europe. There is also the issue of how the Chinese state has been actively promoting and exporting its technology infrastructure beyond its borders, thereby increasing its sphere of influence. This expansion of the technology-oriented Sinosphere has made other states take cognisance and try to increase their diplomatic outreach to counter China’s ever-increasing growth. But how has China been so successful in utilising technology as a credible foreign tool? What lessons does China’s aggressive ‘techplomacy’ offer to other technological powers?

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