Serosurveys point to inadequacies in India’s COVID-19 testing strategy

Over the past few months, a series of serosurveys for detecting the spread of COVID-19 have been carried out in India. The surveys are meant to identify the percentage of the Indian population with antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, as an indicator of how widespread COVID-19 is in the population. The Indian Council of Medical Research led a national survey starting May 2020, the findings of which suggest that the seroprevalence in a selection of districts across India was 0.73 percent. A follow-up survey done in August showed that seroprevalence in the same districts increased to 7.1 percent. Between May and August, city/state-level surveys have shown varying seroprevalence, ranging from 0.25 to 51 percent.Read more


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Bring back the family doctor. India has too many specialists