NEP 2020: A Lot to Look Forward to in the Indian Education Sector

After several consultations on the draft National Education Policy 2019 with stakeholders in the education sector, the Government of India announced the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 on Wednesday, 29 June. The NEP 2020 envisages commendable changes in the way education will be delivered in India.
It does so by emphasising on universal Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and foundational literacy and numeracy, capacity building of teachers, and making the system more flexible for students by allowing them to to choose their subjects.However, a few points of concern remain. These include the emphasis on mother tongue as the language of instruction till fifth grade, which if brought into effect, might infringe the autonomy of parents. It may also force all universities and colleges to become multidisciplinary, while their potential for such transition remains unclear.The real test lies in how the provisions in the policy will be supported with the envisioned budget.Read more

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