A small step for Google

If you were to ask a group of a hundred people about their choice of a dream employer, chances are a significant number of them would mention Google. Picture modern offices with Google's theme, which the journalist, Steven Levy, once described as, "decorated in a style that mixed high-tech Dumpster with nursery school". And while Google remains the aspirational employer for most people, all is not well at Google’s campus.Over 200 workers at Alphabet (Google's parent company), including employees and contractors, have decided to unionise to stand up against issues of pay disparity, harassment, and controversial government contracts. The first one is relatively self-explanatory. Let me provide some context for the latter two.In 2018, the New York Times reported that Andy Rubin, the creator of Android, was accused of sexual misconduct by a Google employee. Although Google had asked him to leave in 2014, it had paid him a $90 million exit package and given him a hero’s farewell, it said. It argued that he was one of three senior executives Google had “protected” after they were accused of sexual misconduct at the organisation in 10 years.This article was first published in Deccan Herald, you can read more by clicking on this link. Views are personal.


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