The Nitopadesha (Kannada edition)

The Nitopadesha: Moral Tales for Good Citizens by Nitin Pai, Penguin eBury Press (January 2023).

In the distant land of Gandhara, there once was a janapada called Chakrapuri. Its elders were a worried lot. Their children were uninterested in the welfare and upkeep of the janapada. Most of them were consumed by self-interest and avarice, seeking personal gains, even at the cost of their fellow citizens. Realizing that the young must learn the arts and crafts of citizenship, the Sabha of Chakrapuri decided to employ Nitina of Takshashila, whose wisdom was said to be unparalleled, to teach their children. So it came to pass that the unconventional scholar was entrusted with the charge of these boys and girls for the next ninety days.

Thus begins the Nitopadesha. A labyrinth of stories in the style of the Panchatantra and the Jataka tales, this is a book about good citizenship and citizen-craft that will speak to the modern reader. Covering aspects such as what citizenship means, the ethical dilemmas one faces as a citizen and how one can deal with social issues, Nitin Pai's absorbing translation is an essential read for conscientious citizens of all ages.

Author’s Note:

Not many people know that the Panchatantra and the Hitopadesha, like the Arthashastra, primarily dispense advice to princes & kings on how to acquire power and rule wisely. Their lessons of amoral statecraft are misleading when applied to citizens.

The Nitopadesha is different. It is a book of citizen-craft, offering guidance on how free citizens can shape their civic and political communities to attain yogakshema. A unique blend of fables and stories that covers politics, economics and philosophy.

Read the incredible story of how the manuscript of Nitopadesha came into Nitin’s hands here.


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