#7 Satellite Imagery Revelations: Tracking the Evolution of Two Chinese Settlements on the Contested India-China Border

This post is taken from the Takshashila Geospatial Bulletin. Read all editions here.


  • Significant recent developments have occurred in two border settlements, one in Zone A (an unnamed village) and the other in Zone B (Migyitun, Longju, and Luowa).

  • Structures with dual purposes are being constructed in Zone A on the boundary line specified by the Survey of India (SOI).

  • Since 1950, Zone B, a contested area, has experienced numerous construction projects, with a notable one in 2020, as indicated by the Pentagon. Additionally, several more construction projects have occurred in the last three years.

Read the full post here.


#8 China's Expansive Frontier: The rise of dual-purpose settlements in Tibet


How mammoth will be the Wooly Mammoth marching on the Artic Tundra Again!!